Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Smart Board

Ideas for using the Smart Board:
  • Word sorts/Vocabulary review
  • Morning messages and meetings
  • Warm ups
  • Exit tickets
  • Assessments
  • Games (both educational and recreational)
  • Scanning in handouts
  • Accessing Google Lit Trips
  • Accessing Digital book talks/book trailers/YouTube/TeacherTube
  • Demonstrating technology use
  • Virtual Field Trips
  • Modeling writing
  • Large displays for reading/whole group read alouds
  • Displaying attendance/seating charts
  • Homework
  • Recording plans for a substitute
  • Recording and playing listening passages
  • Accessing the internet and various technology available online

Essential Icons:

These icons can be accessed on Notebook when creating a Smart Board lesson (top toolbar)

  • The underlined A: Change font and size
  • Rectangle and circle: Add shapes
  • Line with an arrow: Add lines
  • Paint can: Change background color
  • Camera: Capture images and texts from anything on the computer
  • Computer screen with small white arrows in the corner: Full-Screen version
  • Document camera: Allows you to connect the Smart Board with your document camera

The Benefits of using a Smart Board:

  • You can print an entire lesson or notes for absent students
  • Sub plans can be pre-made and saved on a Smart Board and be more effective
  • A variety of resources and technology are made available through the Smart Board
  • Students can have hands on engagement
  • Games, lessons, assessments, and tools are easily accessed

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