Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Welcome to the Coaches' 2010
Digital Literacy Professional Development!

Browse our blog for ideas on how teachers can incorporate various forms of technology in their classrooms. Don't forget to check out our links to other resources.

Hands-on Technology

  • I-Pods
  • Cell phones
  • Podcasts

Online Resources

  • Virtual Field Trips
  • Using Facebook as a Teaching Tool
  • Prezi
  • Primary Pad

Smart Board

Ideas for using the Smart Board:
  • Word sorts/Vocabulary review
  • Morning messages and meetings
  • Warm ups
  • Exit tickets
  • Assessments
  • Games (both educational and recreational)
  • Scanning in handouts
  • Accessing Google Lit Trips
  • Accessing Digital book talks/book trailers/YouTube/TeacherTube
  • Demonstrating technology use
  • Virtual Field Trips
  • Modeling writing
  • Large displays for reading/whole group read alouds
  • Displaying attendance/seating charts
  • Homework
  • Recording plans for a substitute
  • Recording and playing listening passages
  • Accessing the internet and various technology available online

Essential Icons:

These icons can be accessed on Notebook when creating a Smart Board lesson (top toolbar)

  • The underlined A: Change font and size
  • Rectangle and circle: Add shapes
  • Line with an arrow: Add lines
  • Paint can: Change background color
  • Camera: Capture images and texts from anything on the computer
  • Computer screen with small white arrows in the corner: Full-Screen version
  • Document camera: Allows you to connect the Smart Board with your document camera

The Benefits of using a Smart Board:

  • You can print an entire lesson or notes for absent students
  • Sub plans can be pre-made and saved on a Smart Board and be more effective
  • A variety of resources and technology are made available through the Smart Board
  • Students can have hands on engagement
  • Games, lessons, assessments, and tools are easily accessed